Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya

K.G.T. Mahavidyalaya

Recognised by UGC under 2f and 12B

Affiliated to North Bengal University

Welcome To KGTM || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya”

NAAC Accredited with B

K.G.T. Mahavidyalaya

Recognised by UGC under 2f and 12B

NAAC Accredited with B

Welcome To KGTM || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya”


About The Department

Every institution should have significant function to gain efficiency in the arena of education. Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya, Bagdogra, Darjeeling, takes an important part to initiate its students, who come from adjacent place and remote villages.

The Department of Sanskrit of Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya, Bagdogra was established with the very inception of the college in the year 2012. Since then with the dedicated faculty members the department of Sanskrit has been imparting quality education to the students.The department started with offering general degree course of three years B.A program and has adopted choice base credit system (CBCS) in the year 2018 and till now it is continuing. During the last ten years the department has a sufficient number of students who achieve remarkable success to be able to proceed towards their own target.

Our Vision

We are aware that most of our students are first generation learners from Teagarden rural areas. Our vision is to provide them appropriate pedagogies available in Sanskrit studies while nurture their writing reading and speaking skills. So that they can prepare themselves for the higher studies and changing job market ,We provide a friendly ,nurturing and inclusive environment of teaching and learning.

Our Mission

We help students build knowledge of the content and methods of literary studies .Our graduates are well prepared for professional and post-graduate study and for lifelong learning .As part of our roadmap for achieving our vision we provide the following best practices.

Departmental Rules

Message From HOD

Welcome to the Department of Sanskrit at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya. Our department is a hub of classical knowledge, classical Sanskrit literature, Abhigyanshakuntalam, Hitopadesa, Raghuvamsa, Isopanisad and Manusanhita, dedicated to the profound study of Sanskrit language, literature, and philosophy We offer diverse programmes designed to strongly understanding and appreciation of Sanskrit’s timeless wisdom. We encourage to engage actively in our internal exam, assignment, seminars, workshops, and cultural events, which provide invaluable opportunities for intellectual growth and scholarly exchange.
SANGE44th (Hons.)2023
SANDSC44th (Prog.)2023
SANSEC24th (Hons.)2023
SANCC146th (Hons.)2023
SANDSE36th (Hons.)2023
SANDSE46th (Hons.)2023
SANPDSE26th (Prog.)2023
SANPGE26th (Prog.)2023
SANPSEC46th (Prog.)2023

Study Materials on Departmental Library

Faculty Members

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