Strategic/Prospective Plan
Strategic/Prospective Plan
Governing Body (GB)
Role: Oversees all institutional operations, including finance, human resources, educational activities, and infrastructure.
Functions: Formulates policies and deliberates on academic, financial, and administrative initiatives aligned with the institution’s mission.
Role: Acts as the coordinator among all stakeholders, maintaining a democratic organizational structure.
Functions: Executes career advancement for staff and facilitates overall student development.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Role: Ensures quality in educational and administrative performance.
Functions: Develops, applies, and monitors quality benchmarks for academic and administrative activities.
Finance Committee (FC)
Role: Manages the institution’s financial health.
Functions: Reviews and prepares budget proposals under the guidance of the Bursar and the Head of the Institution, with subsequent approval by the GB.
Staff and Academic Councils
Teachers’ Council: Facilitates decentralization of academic responsibilities through frequent meetings and subcommittee formations.
Department Heads: Ensure smooth intra-departmental operations and manage academic activities related to student progression.
Recruitment and Appointment Policies
Permanent Teachers: Guided by UGC rules, involving recommendations from the CSC, GB approval, appointment letters, and service confirmation post-probation.
SACT: Departmental requisition, GB placement, advertisement, expert panel interviews, merit list formation, GB approval, and final government approval.
Role: Oversees financial operations.
Functions: Ensures proper fund utilization for maximum student benefit.
Academic Subcommittee
Role: Maintains educational standards and interdepartmental coordination.
Functions: Oversees teaching, training, research, and examinations.
Committees and Support Structures
Service-Related Subcommittees: Implement government policies regarding employment, service conditions, and promotions.
Library Committee: Maintains a comprehensive collection of resources, ensuring they are up-todate and accessible.