Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya

K.G.T. Mahavidyalaya

Recognised by UGC under 2f and 12B

Affiliated to North Bengal University

Welcome To KGTM || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya”

NAAC Accredited with B

K.G.T. Mahavidyalaya

Recognised by UGC under 2f and 12B

NAAC Accredited with B

Welcome To KGTM || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya”

Skill Development Programme

Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) from a pool of courses designed to provide value-based and/or skill-based knowledge. In the Semester system, the Under-Graduate Examinations will be held in six parts — (i) The First and Second Semester for the first year students and (ii) The Third & Fourth Semester and Fifth & Sixth Semester for the second and third year students respectively. The academic sessions including the examinations for first, third and fifth semester are July to December and that for second, fourth and sixth semester are January to June. 

A student will have, at the most, five academic years or ten semesters to complete the course.

A candidate to be eligible for appearing at any of the Semesters of UNDER-GRADUATE Examination must have minimum 75% attendance of lectures delivered. Award of 05 (fist) marks on class attendance shall be given in the following manner :

Students should complete internal assessments before appearing at the respective semester examination and the marks obtained will be carried over in case students fail to pass the course(s). All the internal continuing evaluation will be conducted by the teachers of the Department. It shall be on the basis of dissertations / projects, term papers, reports, seminar presentations, field work, class tests or any combinations thereof spread over the entire period of study. The modalities of such assessment will be recorded and documents will be preserved by the colleges at least for a period of six months after the publication of the result of the relevant Semester-end Examinations. The University Authority may ask for any such records, if required.

To secure qualifying grade in a Course/Semester, a student has to secure the minimum qualifying percentage in the Written (including Practical) Examination and the Internal Assessment taken together.

To qualify in a Practical-based course, an examinee is to appear in the Theoretical as well as.  

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