Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya

K.G.T. Mahavidyalaya

Recognised by UGC under 2f and 12B

Affiliated to North Bengal University

Welcome To KGTM || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya”

NAAC Accredited with B

K.G.T. Mahavidyalaya

Recognised by UGC under 2f and 12B

NAAC Accredited with B

Welcome To KGTM || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya”

Dr. Koyel Bhattacharya

Email: koyel21stapril@gmail.com
Mobile: 9064174007
Designation: Assistant Professor And Hod Of Physics
: Physics
Academic Qualifications: M.Sc. (Physics), Ph.D. (Science) From Jadavpur University
Google Scholer link: Click Here

Date Of Joining : 1st April, 2015.
Specialization : Solid State Physics, Nano-crystalline Silicon Materials And Photo-voltaic Applications, Renewable Energy Resources, Glass-nanocomposites
Teaching Experience: More than 17 Years [8 Years In Mathabhanga College, Mathabhanga, Coochbehar, West Bengal (21st March, 2007 – 31st March, 2015) And 9 Years In Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya, Bagdogra, West Benga(1st April, 2015 – Present)]
Award/ Fellowship : Research Fellow Of Indian Association For The Cultivation Of Science, Kolkata
During : 2003 – 2007
Membership : Na
Research Area: Nano-crystalline Silicon Materials And Photo-voltaic Applications, Glass-nanocomposites

Seminar/ Workshop

Paper Presented in Symposium/conferences/ workshop

  1. Nanocrystalline Silicon network grown at low H2-dilution and low substrate temperature Koyel Bhattacharya and Debajyoti Das 17th AGM of the Material Research Society of India (MRSI) (13th -15th February, 2006) organised by University of Lucknow, Lucknow and MRSI-Lucknow Chapter
  1. Characterization of Nanocrystalline Silicon network prepared using H2-dilution Koyel Bhattacharya and Debajyoti Das Proceedings oftheNational Symposium on Spectroscopy and its Applications (18th – 20th January, 2006) held on
    Indian Association for the Cultivation of ScienceJadavpur, Kolkata-700032

Participation of Symposium/conferences/ workshop/Webinar

  1. UGC- Sponsored National Seminar on “Media Ethics in the Information Age” (3rd& 4thSeptember, 2013) at Mathabhanga College, Mathabhanga, Coochbehar, West Bengal,India-736146 organised byDepartmentPhilosophy, Mathabhanga College, InCollaboration with Department of Philosophy, University of North Bengal
  2. UGC- Sponsored National Conference on “Realizing The Right To Development In India:The Challenges of Universal elementary Education” (25th -26th March, 2010) organised byDepartment of Political Science,
    Mathabhanga College, Mathabhanga, Coochbehar, West Bengal, India-736146
  3. National Symposium on “Spectroscopy and its Applications” (18th – 20th January, 2006) held on Indian Association for the Cultivation of ScienceJadavpur, Kolkata-700032
  4. 17th AGM of the Material Research Society of India (MRSI) (13th -15th February,2006) organised by University of Lucknow, Lucknow and MRSI-Lucknow Chapter
  5. Introductory Seminar on Astrophysics and Cosmology (September 16th, 2020) Organized by IUCAA Centre for Astronomy Research and Development (ICARD), Physics Department, North Bengal University
  6. Webinar on “Journey of solar cells from Silicon to Perovskite” Organised by Research & Development Committee, Siliguri Institute of Technology on July8, 2020
  7. International Webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education and a Quest for Possible Alternatives” (22-24 June,2020) Organized bySukantaMahavidyalaya, Dhupguri, West Bengal
  8. 1st International e-Conference on Recent Advances in Physics & Materials Science-2020 (IC-RAPMS-2020) (9-10th July, 2020)Organized byKurseong College, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India-734203In collaboration withSt.Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India-734104
  9. Webinar on “Managing Emotions and Self-Care in times of Uncertainty” (30th June, 2020) Organized by Department of Clinical Psychology, Mizoram University
  10. One day International Webinar on “COVID-19: Facts on the Bench- Where are we?” (31st August, 2020) Organized by Department of Chemistry and IQAC, KalipadaGhoshTaraiMahavidyalaya, Bagdogra

1. Effect of Heat-Treatment on Electrical Properties of Ag2S Doped Chalcogenide Glassy System
A Chamuah, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh, S Bhattacharya
2022 International Interdisciplinary Conference on Mathematics, Engineering … 2022

2. Highly conducting nanophases of Ag2S–Se-Ge chalcogenide glassy systems: Explanations via computational descriptions
S Ojha, S Das, A Chamuah, M Roy, K Bhattacharya, T Chakraborty, …
Physica B: Condensed Matter 643, 413794 – 2022

3. Lithium Ion Glassy Electrolytes: Properties, Fundamentals, and Applications
S Bhattacharya, K Bhattacharya
Springer Nature – 2022

4. DC Electrical Conductivity as Major Electrical Characterization Tool
A Acharya, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh, S Bhattacharya
Lithium Ion Glassy Electrolytes: Properties, Fundamentals, and Applications … 2022

5. Methods of Preparation of Lithium Ion-Doped Glassy Systems
K Bhattacharya, S Bhattacharya
Lithium Ion Glassy Electrolytes: Properties, Fundamentals, and Applications … 2022

6. Lithium-Ion-Doped Glassy System
K Bhattacharya, S Bhattacharya
Lithium Ion Glassy Electrolytes: Properties, Fundamentals, and Applications … 2022

7. Dielectric Properties and Analysis of Some Li-Doped Glassy Systems
A Acharya, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh, S Bhattacharya
Lithium Ion Glassy Electrolytes: Properties, Fundamentals, and Applications … 2022

8. Electrochemical Applications
A Acharya, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh, S Bhattacharya
Lithium Ion Glassy Electrolytes: Properties, Fundamentals, and Applications … 2022

9. AC conductivity and electrical relaxation of a promising Ag2S-Ge-Te-Se chalcogenide glassy system
A Chamuah, S Ojha, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh, S Bhattacharya
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 166, 110695 – 2022

10. Transport properties of CdI2-doped silver ion conducting system: validation with first-principle DFT estimations
A Poddar, S Das, M Roy, K Bhattacharya, S Bhattacharya
Ionics 28 (5), 2285-2292 – 2022

11. Physical and electrical properties of promising chalcogenide glassy system doped with Ag2S
A Chamuah, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh, S Bhattacharya
Materials Today: Proceedings 66, 3218-3223 – 2022

12. Density of states, DC conductivity and physical properties of Ag2S-Ge–Te–Se chalcogenide glassy system
DCSB Anil Chamuah, Koyel Bhattacharya, Mir Sahidul Ali, Chandan Kumar Ghosh
Applied Physics A 127 (9), 656-665 – 2021

13. Charge carrier transport and electrochemical stability of Li2O doped glassy ceramics
A Acharya, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh, AN Biswas, S Bhattacharya
Materials Science and Engineering: B 260, 114612 – 2020

14. Electrical transport of chalcogenide glassy system: interpretation by Hunt’s model and microstructure
S Ojha, M Roy, A Chamuah, K Bhattacharya, S Bhattacharya
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-7 – 2020

15. Microstructures and charge carrier transport of some Li2O doped glassy ceramics
A Acharya, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh, S Bhattacharya
Materials Letters 265, 127438 – 2020

16. Electrical Relaxation Studies of Chalcogenide xAg2S–(1-x)(0.5 S–0.5 Te) Glassy System
S Ojha, M Roy, A Chamuah, K Bhattacharya, S Bhattacharya
International journal of advanced Science and Engineering 6 (S2), 28-34 – 2020

17. Transport phenomena of Cu–S–Te chalcogenide nanocomposites: frequency response and AC conductivity
S Ojha, M Roy, A Chamuah, K Bhattacharya, S Bhattacharya
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (42), 24600-24613 – 2020

18. AC conductivity and dielectric behavior of Cu-S-Te chalcogenide glassy system
S Ojha, M Roy, A Chamuah, K Bhattacharya, S Bhattacharya
Materials Letters 258, 126792 – 2020

19. Lithium ion conductivity in Li2O–P2O5–ZnO glass-ceramics
S Bhattacharya, A Acharya, AS Das, K Bhattacharya, CK Ghosh
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 786, 707-716 – 2019

20. Micromechanical hardness study and the effect of reverse indentation size on heat-treated silver doped zinc-molybdate glass nanocomposites
S Bhattacharya, R Kundu, K Bhattacharya, A Poddar, D Roy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 770, 136-142 – 2019

21. Anomalous electrical conductivity in selenite glassy nanocomposites
AK Bar, K Bhattacharya, R Kundu, D Roy, S Bhattacharya
Materials Chemistry and Physics 199, 322-328 – 2017

22. V2O5-MoO3-ZnO thick film resistors as highly selective trace level ethanol gas sensors
AS Das, M Roy, DR Patil, K Bhattacharya, D Roy, S Bhattacharya
2017 1st International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering and … 2017

23. Electrical relaxation and grain boundary effect in CdI2 doped glass-nanocomposites
AK Bar, K Bhattacharya, R Kundu, D Roy, S Bhattacharya
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 452, 169-175 – 2016

24. Evolution of nc-Si network and the control of its growth by He/H2 plasma assistance in SiH4 at PECVD
D Das, D Raha, K Bhattacharya
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9 (9), 5614-5621 – 2009

25. Effect of deposition temperature on the growth of nanocrystalline silicon network from helium diluted silane plasma
K Bhattacharya, D Das
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (15), 155420 – 2008

26. Nanocrystalline silicon prepared at high growth rate using helium dilution
K Bhattacharya, D Das
Bulletin of Materials Science 31, 467-471 – 2008

27. Superior nanocrystalline silicon network at enhanced growth rate
D Das, K Bhattacharya
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 46 (11L), L1006 – 2007

28. Nanocrystalline silicon films prepared from silane plasma in RF-PECVD, using helium dilution without hydrogen: structural and optical characterization
K Bhattacharya, D Das
Nanotechnology 18 (41), 415704 – 2007

29. Characterization of the Si: H network during transformation from amorphous to micro-and nanocrystalline structures
D Das, K Bhattacharya
Journal of applied physics 100 (10) – 2006

30. Structural studies on the microcrystallization of Si:H network developed by hot-wire CVD
K Chakraborty
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 90 (7-8), 849-863 – 2006

31. Lithium Ion Glassy Electrolytes
S Bhattacharya, K Bhattacharya

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