Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya

K.G.T. Mahavidyalaya

Recognised by UGC under 2f and 12B

Affiliated to North Bengal University

Welcome To KGTM || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya”

NAAC Accredited with B

K.G.T. Mahavidyalaya

Recognised by UGC under 2f and 12B

NAAC Accredited with B

Welcome To KGTM || “Empowering Dreams, Illuminating Minds: The Saga of Knowledge at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya”

Admission Guideline

Admission Guideline

The candidates selected for admission in the college must be present on the date of admission and apply on the prescribed Admission Form, form and Prospectus is available in the College Office. At the time of admission candidates must submit following documents (original and attested photo copy) along with the Admission Form:
For details and updates regarding admission, please visit college Notice Board and website: www.kgtm.ac.in
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